Sunday, August 5, 2007


something is the matter with me. here goes another entry at almost 4 in the morning. and i didn't even drink green tea! why o why am i even on this?

it occurred to me that we have a shared blog. and i thought, wait a minute, i need to update this shit. it's been so embarassingly long since i posted anything that i had to scan my brain for the name of our blog! oooh yeah, the sunsetdiaries. well, here i am.

god, shan, i am so annoyed. and second, i find it a peculiar pleasure in knowing that you are just footsteps away from me. it warms my heart and soul to know that the first face i will be seeing tomorrow morning is yours. i heart you so much sister.

i'm irritated at my brother. another fuckin fight- woopty doo. i'll tell you about it in the morn. AFTER church. speaking of which, i'm really glad we're going. thanks mama. :)

so i think i should be gettin to bed soon. i wanted to tell you that you're looking more fabulous by the day. and that this year has been blissed out, soaked fully with your amber, phospherecent (those toes you know!), radiant glow. MUAH.
